
Starting Raids | Understanding & Managing Different Targets

As an admin, once you've completed the setup, you can quickly initiate a raid by copying your Twitter post URL and adding it after the command: /raid.

After entering the /raid command, be sure to press the spacebar before pasting your Twitter post URL.


/raid https://x.com/mellow0x69/status/1832737533270114703

Once you have sent the command, a panel will show with buttons for you to manage the raid effectively with granular control. The Raid hasn't started at this point.

To Start the Raid, press the [🏁 Start/Queue Raid 🏁] Button. If there is an active raid in progress, or there are raids in the /queue, then it will add the raid to the queue. Otherwise, it will start the raid.

Want to instantly start a raid, and cancel the ongoing raid, without adding the raid to the queue, press the [🚪 Force-Start Raid 🏁] Button!

To prevent the non-admin members from speaking during a Raid, you can press the [🔒 Lock Chat] Button. Pressing this will change the Chat Lock Status. It will then show a [🔓 Unlock Chat] Button which you can press to allow your community to speak again.

After Starting a Raid:

  • If there is an ongoing raid, your raid will be added to the queue!

  • If there are raids in the queue, you raid will be added to the queue!

Want to see the queue?: /queue

Want to clear the entire queue?: /clearqueue

Want to delete a specific raid from the queue?: /dequeue PositionInQueueHere

Want to set a max queue size?: /queuesize NumberHere


Setting Targets

If you press the [🎯 Set Targets] Button, it will take you to Private Chat with the bot to modify the targets without Interruption.

Target Modes | Fixed vs Dynamic

Understanding How Fixed and Dynamic Modes Adjust Raid Goals

Fixed Mode

When using Fixed Mode, a raid ends when the tweet reaches exactly the targets you set.

For example, if you set 5 likes, 6 retweets, and 3 replies, the raid will stop once the tweet hits those numbers. If the tweet already meets these targets when the raid begins, it will be cancelled.

Dynamic Mode

In Dynamic Mode, the targets you set are added to the current numbers on the tweet.

For example, if a tweet starts with 20 likes, and your target is +5 likes, the new goal will be 25 likes. This helps avoid canceling the raid if the tweet is already popular and saves you time looking at the current metrics of a tweet every time you start a raid.

To be more clear, the following order of steps below represent how it works:

First, you would find a Tweet, and copy the URL.

Let's look at the Current Metrics of the Tweet:

  • Likes: 55

  • Retweets: 20

  • Replies: 10

Targets Default Settings

If you press the [Set as Default] Button, the targets set will now be pre-populated every time you do /raid.

Other Info

  • Other Admins can NOT modify the Targets for a raid YOU have set up. Only you can modify your own targets.

  • While you edit the targets, the new values, live, are shown in the main group.

Last updated