As a Community Member apart of your project's group, you can /link your Twitter Account to participate in Raids right inside the TG Chat in your group.
Why Should I Link my Twitter?
Participate in Raids without leaving Telegram by:
❤️ Liking Raids
🔁 Retweeting Raids
💬 Quickly
to Raids in the group chat.If you are FIRST to reply, an admin can Raid your Reply instantly!
🔖 Bookmarking Raids
⤴️ Getting Rewarded for doing the above (if admins in your group allow it)
(if the group you're in has Pro Tier)⤴️ Allow the admins of your group to track your activity.
Once you have sent the command IN THE GROUP you wish to participate raids in, a Button will show asking you to [Link your Twitter]. Click that, Follow the Steps, and get Linking!
For more DETAILED instructions: Click Here.
Last updated